What's New?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Series: Wednesday Writers Weigh-In!

I have questions.  Some basic, some frivolous, some pressing.  But I have questions that I really want to pose to the writing community. 

So today I launch a new weekly series on this blog called Wednesday Writers Weigh-In!

This highly re-Tweetable series will hopefully spark dialogue, ignite inspiration and possibly answer some pressing and/or just plain curious questions about writers' lifestyle, practice, the biz, etc.

Let's start out with a fun, light topic.  Today's Weigh-In is something I have been curious about.  It is inspired by Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  So, writers, Weigh-In and re-Tweet away as we answer the question:

And please feel free to expand upon your answer by commenting and starting a dialogue.

Note: Special thanks to Susanna Hill for the tips on how to place a poll on my blog.


  1. I'll start. Although I really truly wish I could curl up on the couch and get some comfy writing done...I have found that I "work" best when I treat it like "work" and sit at a table or my desk in a hard chair. I actually have a backless stool at my desk at home. :)

  2. As I commented in my "other" vote, I'm a shifter - sometimes I work on the couch, sometimes at my desk or the kitchen table, sometimes on the floor, and a fair amount of writing gets done in my head while walking the dogs, running, folding laundry, washing dishes, or showering!

    This is fun, Marcie! I'm going to be looking forward to weigh-in wednesdays! Sorry I don't tweet!

  3. I do start as Papa, shift to Hardcore standing when my back hurts, but write in my head before getting out of bed!

    Like Susanna, I Tweet not!

    Fun idea Marcie!

  4. Love this idea! I like the idea of being on my purple, cozy couch, but as I explained in a previous post of mine, I have come to recognize that it as the Purple People Eater, and it inevitably sucks anyone in who plants their bottom down for even a minute! So, papa bear it is...clean desk, preferably by a window.

  5. Papa Bear for writing, Mama Bear for reading!

  6. At the computer by my window looking at the Mediterranean. I tried the couch thing, but whenever I settle in to write longhand, I jump up five minutes later eager to type everything up. I think better when my fingers can fly across the keyboard.

  7. OK...how many of us want to go to Renee's to write and gaze at the Mediterranean!?! Lucky, girl. :)

  8. In general, I sit on a comfy chair, mostly because it's the only clear place in the house!! I also like sitting at the table, but it's not always possible.

  9. I'm a Mama Bear all the way! Once in a while I suppose I'm a Papa Bear, but only if that is the only option available :)

  10. I prefer sitting on my yoga ball at my desk or work table. I'm a lifelong wiggler, and the yoga ball allows my body to move and quit pestering my head to get up and go do something fun, for crying out loud.

  11. I write all over the place, very similar to Susanna. I write quite a bit in my head while folding laundry, running, driving, and watching my children place outside. I always have a spiral notebook within arms reach wherever I am. I jot bits that come to me down and when I have a good, coherent, meaty "nugget," I'll open up a computer document and begin to record it electronically. I LOVE hearing about the way other writers write. The writing process fascinates me. :)

  12. Writing longhand has become uncomfortable for me, so nearly all my writing is done on my laptop -- and the best spot for that is at my desk, in my desk chair, in my Writing Room. Guess that makes me a Papa Bear. But a lot of the thinking behind my writing happens when I'm moving around, or driving, or in the shower -- doing what Julia Cameron in "The Artist's Way" calls artist-brain activities.

  13. I mostly sit at my hard desk chair, but I also tend to write just before I go to bed (that is, lying down), because things come to me and I have to get them out before I fall asleep and forget them.

  14. I'm incredibly jealous of Renee's Mediterranean view! I actually like to write in my treehouse when it's not so cold outside. It has a rope ladder and a trap door!

  15. I'm half Mama half Papa. Sometimes I'm on the couch, other times at my desk on a ball chair. Fun series!

  16. Great idea. I'll make sure to check in next Wednesday!
