Saturday, June 16, 2012

15 Habits of Great Writers: Connect

I am your number one fan. There is nothing to worry about. You are going to be just fine. I am your number one fan.  ~ Annie Wilkes, Stephen King's Misery

Writing can be a very solitary craft...but it doesn't have to be.  The last habit of this week is the habit of connecting.

Jeff Goins focuses on three types of relationships all writers need to learn to foster:  friends, fan and patrons.  Check out his blog here.

Personally, I have to say that my journey as a pre-published writer has been bearable each step of the way because of the people I have met along the way.  From classmates and teachers at Gotham Writers Workshop to my Critique Group to people I have met through online challenges like PiBoIdMo and 12x12in'12 to people I have connected with through attending SCBWI conferences in both NYC and NJ. 

These people are both published and pre-published writers.  Some of them have read my work and critiqued it.  Some have shared a story of their own struggles which have given me the courage to continue.  Some have taught me more about the craft.  Some have been cheerleaders when I doubted myself.  Some have commented on this blog and been a follower.  Some have simply shared a laugh and a smile.  But all of them are important.

To best explain my take on finding people to journey with together, I would like to re-post something I wrote for a guest blog on Julie Hedlund's blog last March.  

So here is my guest blog.  Enjoy!

And before the weekend is done, find one person to take out for coffee or a drink.  Its worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Connections with other writers are so important - critique partners, fellow bloggers, even the stranger sitting next to you at a conference. You never know what friendships and/or professional connections will develop from reaching out.
